Stepped Care Mental Health

Get the right level of support for your needs with our Stepped Care Mental Health Program

The Stepped Care Model of Mental Health focuses on linking you with the right level of support that you need. The Stepped Care Approach considers the bigger picture of your health, looking at the whole person, including your physical, social and mental needs.

One of the main features of the model is that it is flexible – we know that the level of support you need will change over time, and if that happens, we change with you. A good way to think about this is ‘stepping up’ or ‘stepping down’ as your needs change. We stay with you along your recovery journey.

Emphasis is placed on the client only telling their story once to make engaging with our mental health service a seamless and supportive experience. This means you can get what you need without changing care providers every time you step up/step down the program.

You can refer yourself, as well as friends and family members, to healthAbility’s Stepped Care Mental Health Treatment Program. You don’t need a General Practitioner (GP) referral to use this service, but it’s helpful to have your GP involved in your care. This service is free and confidential, but eligibility is determined by where you live or work.

You can access these services if you:

  • Need support with your mental health or emotional well-being from a community service

  • Are unable to access or afford private mental health services (such as a private psychologist)

For more information, contact:

STEPS on 1800378377 if you live or work in the cities of Boroondara, Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Whitehorse or Yarra Ranges

Stepped Care services are funded by the Australian Government under the PHN program, so there is no cost for you to access the service. This program is delivered by healthAbility in partnership with other Inner East Community Health providers.

Meet Greg Well

Greg is 36 and experiencing high levels of anxiety, which is impacting his ability to work.

Watch how we connected Greg with the Stepped Care Mental Health Service to provide the level of mental health support he needed.

Meet the other Well family members

Greg is part of the Well family — meet the other family members as they engage with a range of services to support them to live better lives. Meet the Well family.

What is involved with the Stepped Care Mental Health Treatment Program?

Stepped Care Mental Health Programs vary from person to person and consist of several steps, each offering different levels of support and intervention based on your primary mental health concerns.

The evidence-based program may include:

  • Self-Help and Psychoeducation: This is the lowest-intensity level of support and may involve providing educational materials, self-help resources, and information about mental illness. It empowers individuals to better understand their mental health and develop self-management skills.
  • Digital and Online Resources: Many Stepped Care Models incorporate digital platforms and online resources, like websites, apps, or virtual support groups, to provide accessible and convenient mental health information and tools.
  • Counselling and Therapy Services: This level typically includes individual or group therapy sessions provided by mental health professionals like psychologists, counsellors, or social workers. These services can address various mental health issues and provide more targeted treatment in a highly supportive environment.
  • Specialised Mental Health Services: Some individuals may require specialised care, like treatment for mental illnesses like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Specialised services may include psychiatric evaluations, medication management, and more intensive interventions.
  • Crisis Intervention and Inpatient Care: At the highest level, individuals in severe crisis or with acute mental health needs may require hospitalisation or crisis intervention services. These services are designed to stabilise individuals in crisis and ensure their safety.
  • Peer Support and Community Resources: Peer support groups, community organisations, and non-profit mental health agencies can play a vital role in providing emotional support, sharing lived experiences, and helping individuals connect with local resources.
  • Case Management and Care Coordination: In some Stepped Care Models, case managers or care coordinators work with individuals to navigate the mental health system, ensuring they receive the appropriate level of care and support throughout their journey.
  • Cultural and Linguistic Considerations: Our services are culturally sensitive and consider linguistic diversity to provide equitable care to all individuals, regardless of their cultural or language background.
  • Regular Assessment and Reevaluation: The model emphasises ongoing assessment and reevaluation of an individual's needs. As their mental health situation evolves, they may move between different levels of care to receive the most suitable support.

Contact us for more information about our mental health services. We can help determine the most effective treatments and supports based on your unique circumstances.

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Do I need a General Practitioners (GP) referral?
What are the fees?
Do you offer appointments out of standard business hours?
What are the contact details of the After Hours Mental Health Nurse Support Service?
From which locations is mental health support available?
Do you see children as well as adults?

Get in touch

Contact our team by sending us an online enquiry or call us on